The Number of Ederlies Over 65 Living Alone Reaches 25% in 10 Years

In total 1.7 million of Spanish houses out of the 18 millions registered (9.5%) are inhabited by a single, 65-year-old person or older, a number which has grown by 25.8% during last 10 years – reveals the data of Population and Housing Census 2011, published on Thursday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

What is more, the report informs that the 3/4 of the group of elderly people aged 65 and more who live alone, are women. Therefore, the number of homes where a single woman (over 65) lives equals to 1.2 millions, compared to the 429.700 inhabited by men.

On the other side, the study shows that among the 7 millions of couples with children, almost half a million has got at least one child that is not both partners´ child. In last decade the number of the lattest increased by 110.8% “as a consequence of the rise in marital breakdowns.”

In any case, there are more common-law partners than co-habitants, 9.8 and 1.6 millions, respectively. However, in last 10 years the number of homes of both single co-habitants has grown by 249.5% and of those of other types of co-habitance, by 136.4%.

Moreover, 99.5% of the couples are heterosexual, even though the houses consisting of homosexual couples multiplied by 5 in 10 years, oscilating between 54.920 – 17.067 female and 37.853 male.

The number of Spanish homes inhabited by a couple with 3 or more children, so-called numerous families, reduced by 32.8% in a decade (573.732) while the number of couples without children has increased by 45.1% and is estimated around 4 millions.

There are 18 million homes in Spain, a number that has escalated by 27.5% in 10 years (inhabited by an average of 2.58 person compared to 4 in 1970) and out of those, 4.2 millions constist of only one person, a number that has rised by 45% and already refers to 9% of the population.


Source: Agencias