(Visited 538 times, 1 visits today)
(Visited 538 times, 1 visits today)
  • Transaction / Assets
    Luxury hotel in Amalfi
  • Seller
  • Buyer
    De Siano
  • € MM

Luxury Spa hotels: Il Saraceno in Amalfi to the De Siano family from Ischia

14 November, Il Sole 24 Ore

The hospitality property market is thriving. In the pleasant autumn climate of the Amalfi coast, the rumours are all about the well-known family of hoteliers from Ischia, De Siano, which includes also the Senator Domenico De Siano. The family, in fact, bought for an amount around 30 million the Grand Hotel Saraceno in Amalfi, a Moorish-style hotel with a spectacular view of the sea. The De Siano family already owns four hotels in Ischia (Lacco Ameno): San Montano, San Lorenzo, ViIlla Svizzera, and La Reginella.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi