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Real estate investments for 185 million in Turin

06 March, Il Sole 24 Ore

In 2019 the Turin real estate market reported investments for 185 million euro. Transactions had mainly focused on alternative assets such as assisted living facilities and student housing as well as logistics.

For what concerns the residential market, Turin is one of the most convenient cities in Italy, with an average property price of 178,000 euro. This is because the houses on offer mainly consist of three- or four-room apartments, while the demand tends to focus on smaller properties. Moreover, there is the tendency of young people to prefer renting over buying.

Offices offer stable yields equal to 6.5% for central areas and 7% for semi-central and suburban areas. Finally, retail sees the predominance of investments in high street, with Via Lagrange as the most expensive street in Turin with rents between 600 and 2,500 euro/Sq m.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi