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(Visited 205 times, 1 visits today)
  • Transaction / Assets
    Sky offices in Milan
  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • € MM

Milan: Risanamento sold the Sky offices to LendLease

03 October, Il Sole 24 Ore

Risanamento sold the Sky headquarters in Milan to LendLease for 262.5 through a Reit incorporated by the Australian company. The Reit was subscribed by international players such as BlackRock, Fullerton, Lion Global Investors, Aew Asia and Principal Asset Management. The Sky complex will be managed by the fund constituted under the Italian law Lendlease Global Commercial Italy Fund, indirectly owned by LendLease.

Thanks to this operation, Risanamento obtained a 20.8 million capital gain, allowing the company to write off the debt connected to the asset amounting to 228.2 million euro.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi