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(Visited 177 times, 1 visits today)
  • Transaction / Assets
    Palazzo dell Poste Milan
  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • € MM

Milan: Kryalos sold trophy asset in Piazza Cordusio to Mediobanca investors for 246.7 mln €

29 December, Kryalos

Kryalos Sgr completed the sale for 246.7 million € of the former Palazzo delle Poste in Piazza Cordusio, Milan, to a club deal of investors coordinated by Mediobanca. The trophy asset used to accommodate the central post office and was renovated between 2015 and 2018 with an investment of 23 million €, obtaining the LEED Gold certification. The building is currently let to Starbucks, while its office space is leased to JP Morgan, Natwest and Kryalos.

Source: Kryalos

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi