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Matteo Corsini on the real estate outlook for 2018: “The property market will grow in Italy between 80% and 120% over the next 4 years”


London, 1 October 2017

After several years of  crisis of the real estate market, the bankruptcy of banks such as Lehman Brothers and MPS, and a third marriage abruptly ended, a legend of the Italian real estate, Matteo Corsini is back on the scene with a Global Capital investment fund, promising to invest in the Italian market over 100 million euro. “We have assets for over 180 million euro, we’re solid and this will permit us making new investments in the “luxury treasure” sector or, as many call them, “trophy assets”.

What does it mean exactly?

“Properties like blue diamonds, of the finest quality, those that make the difference.”

How will the real estate sector behave?

“I believe that the next months will be very harsh for the Italian property market, but things will improve in the second half of 2018.”

Aren’t you saying too much about your real estate investment strategy?

“The property market offers good investments opportunities and in this phase, we’re very aggressive, we believe in 80-120%  returns over the next 4 years. The most profitable sector where to invest in Italy will be the real estate market.”

A couple of weeks ago you stated that you’re ready to invest over 100 million euro in Italy. How is the purchasing going?

“We’ve started to invest, so far we’ve invested over 6 million euro with a financial leverage of 98% which we’re expecting to reduce over the next few months. We believe in this market, even though it’s very selective and it’s tricky to understand where to invest.”

What’s the secret to manage all this money?

“Purchasing properties, especially during a recession, is not for everybody. This is a market for experts, companies with competent analysts, a task force of legal consultants, capable of tailoring contracts according to the investment programs. If you think about it, in the last few years, all the major Italian construction companies crashed, Rome is a cemetery. We’re among the few operators that today are investing and renovating. We’ll continue because we believe in transformation. Rome needs to be up to date, we’re in the future in 2018, and frankly, the technological progress has its share on the future of real estate.”

Somebody says you’re a legend, starting from Botteghe Oscure, you’ve achieved so much in the property sector. A finance genius, able to build leverages of 99% of the property portfolio value.

“I don’t know what they think about me, whether I’m a legend or not. I believe I’m the best, the most competent, I’ve studied a lot, in conclusion. At school, I used to solve geometry problems so quickly, that my teacher Palmieri would measure the time with a chronometer.”


Source: http://www.corsera.it/notizia.php?id=9139

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi