(Visited 125 times, 1 visits today)
(Visited 125 times, 1 visits today)
  • Transaction / Assets
    Livorno reefer terminal
  • Seller
    Compagnia Portuale di Livorno
  • Buyer
    Giorgio Gori (DHL group)
  • € MM

Livorno: Giorgio Gori (DHL group) bought the Reefer Terminal

14 December, Livorno Press

Compagnia Portuale di Livorno and Giorgio Gori (DHL group) reached an agreement for the sale of Livorno reefer terminal. The new company will use the logistics facility for storing and delivering wines and spirits. Compagnia Portuale will continue to operate from a new reefer terminal while providing handling services to Giorgio Gori.

Source: Livorno Press

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi