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Cdp will assign to TH Resorts the management three former Valtur resorts

20 April, La Repubblica

Casa Depositi e Prestiti has assigned the management of the three resorts in Ostuni, Pila and Marileva to Hotelturist Spa, a company operating in the national tourism sector with the brand TH Resorts. The partnership was announced yesterday, and it will make possible for the resort in Ostuni to open for the upcoming summer season. Cdp Investimenti Sgr is the owner of the three properties with the fund Fondo Investimenti Turismo (Fit). In this way, the resorts will continue their operations, remunerating the investment at market conditions and preserving the economic activity. After the evaluation of the proposals from other companies, the offer from TH Resorts turned out being the most convenient and consistent with the resort market.

Source: La Repubblica

Translator: Cristina Ambrosi